Forum Replies Created
KeymasterHi, please, for professional extension support open a ticket to have a tech guy to solve the problem.
Thank you.
KeymasterCheck the configuration on unsubscription panel.
KeymasterDid you set the Newsletter dedicated page and put in that page the [newsletter] shortcode?
KeymasterI don’t know, probably your blog is expiring the session quickly than usual.
April 24, 2017 at 11:02 am in reply to: Why the plugin doesn't save settings in subscription panel?! #32484Stefano
KeymasterHi, I saw this problem on blog with an old option in the database name as the one used by Newsletter. Contact me privately at
April 22, 2017 at 8:25 am in reply to: Ability to send an existing newsletter to new subscribers #32437Stefano
KeymasterThere is not such an option, but may I suggest to use the welcome email to send your first content to new subscribers? You seem to need to send a one time message after subscription and the welcome email is perfect for that.
Keymasterit seems you have some plugin loading the phpmailer library or an alternative version of the phpmailer library. not easy to solve. try to find the plugin which is generating that error.
April 21, 2017 at 9:18 am in reply to: How to create blog post archives and tags in newsletter #32405Stefano
KeymasterYou should create a custom theme, see the documentation on this site.
Anyway be aware that newsletters should be focused on small amount of contents. A sidebar could be unreadable on mobile devices.
April 21, 2017 at 9:15 am in reply to: Change the background image in the Responsive Drag & Drop Composer #32404Stefano
KeymasterBackground images are not well supported on mail client, so we have not that option.
April 21, 2017 at 7:32 am in reply to: Cannot update the plugin with message "Could not remove the old plugin.". #32399Stefano
KeymasterHi, try to delete manually the plugin files. You can find them on wp-content/plugins/newsletter. It’s not a problem of the plugin it’s a problem of file permissions.
April 19, 2017 at 7:42 am in reply to: "upgrade" da conta "free" para "premium" lista de emails #32349Stefano
KeymasterHi, could you write in English, please? I cannot fully understand your problem.
Thank you, Stefano.
KeymasterHi test the sending from the status panel and let us know. Almost surely your provider changed something. For example you can have the SMTP setup and it doesn’t work anymore.
April 18, 2017 at 8:27 am in reply to: Fonts behaving differently at smartphones and desktops #32310Stefano
KeymasterHi, outlook have a lot of problems with fonts, which theme did you used so we can check it?
KeymasterSee the message template under the list building menu.
April 11, 2017 at 7:39 am in reply to: Blank Page when sending emails, even when plain text test email arrives… #31791Stefano
KeymasterHi it seems due to a change made by your hosting provider. Check the error logs your provider should supply, or in Newsletter main setting enable the log a debug level and set Newsletter in “debug mode”. Then reproduce the problem and see if in the bottom of the status panel there are logs reported.
If there is a php-xxxx.log, paste it here.
KeymasterHi there is not collation of posts feature, you should use the automated extension and create 30 channels. Probably your custom has very particular subscribers, since usually an average reader does not want to select between 30 categories but is more easy to create less macro categories.
KeymasterYou can setup the fields you need in the form fields panel.
KeymasterHave you changed the hosting and the domain or only the hosting?
April 10, 2017 at 6:57 am in reply to: Visual editor does not show contents, preview in HTML editor does #31742Stefano
KeymasterHi, if the visual editor is not woring probably you have another plugin installed which is interfering. For example have you installed wp-polls?
KeymasterFor comments we have the professional extension “subsribe on comments”, find it on extension panel in your newsletter sub menu. We have even an integration with contact form 7.
KeymasterThe theme is using a very old and deprecated URL to submit the subscription. You need to change:
to can see the form is configured in GET mode and not in POST mode. You should change the code from
KeymasterHi th eonly ads you can add to a newsletter are static banners… I’ll try to contact the author of that plugin to see how we can integrate each other.
Thank you, Stefano.
KeymasterThis is correct since you can have multiple subscription forms in the site, subscribing to different lists. More, the user who is already subscribed and subscribes again surely forgot his previous subscription and giving him an error message is no a great user experience.
This is mostly felt as a problem to who is testing the subscription. Anyway we’re in the way to release a new list management and with that the option to show an error message to who is already subscribed.
KeymasterHi this is a classic problem which raises when the provider changes his mail filters. Are you using the SMTP? The test from the SMTP panel returns “ok” but the email is not delivered? Tests from the status panel, report any errors? If not then the email is moved to the mail server but the mail server is dropping it. Try to ask the provider.
If you want to make a test, signup for a free account on Use their SMTP parameters and do some tests. Surely you’ll find the email on their console (the grab alll emails and show them on their console). If the emails are there is means the plugin is delivering them to the mail server correctly.
Let me know, Stefano.
KeymasterHi, in which file? Anyway that is not the newsletter width, that is the css break point for small screen sizes.
KeymasterHi Jenny, can you help to understand The crash you’re experiencing? The whole blog stops or can you access the admin side? If you want seeing the problem write me at stefano@thenewsletter
April 5, 2017 at 6:38 pm in reply to: Archive newsletter shown on page, nothing happens when clicked #31620Stefano
KeymasterHi, please share the page where we can see the problem.
Thank you, Stefano.
KeymasterHi, check on status panel if there are error logs.
KeymasterHi actually we have no “power” to approve a translation, we try to get in touch with an editor. Porbably the best way is to connected to the slack channel of wordpress polyglots and ask a contact with the Brazilian editor.
And really thank you for all your work!
KeymasterHi, when you click a tracked link, the link opens correctly?
KeymasterGreat! 🙂
KeymasterYes, check the {title} tag and the form fields panel where to configure it.
April 3, 2017 at 4:07 pm in reply to: The plugin is not sending test mails and serves real Newsletters really slow #31515Stefano
KeymasterThe blank page is clearly a problem. Have you enabled the SMTP? Are you sure the provider has a working mail service for blogs? About the SSL error, where do you see it?
KeymasterNo, there are not custom field that can be set during the import. But you should create a list “faculty of medicine” and then import the contacts setting that list.
KeymasterHave you a page with only the [newsletter] shortcode and is that page selected as newsletter dedicated page in the subscription configuration panel.
KeymasterHi, in the status panel there are the error log files.
KeymasterYou should copy exactly the code of the form you want changing the form action to, the email filed name to “ne”, the name field name to “nn” and the last name field name to “ns”.
Bye, Stefano.
KeymasterHi, support for extension should be requested using the ticket system, can you open a ticket? About you request is not clear if you’re talking about the checkout form on woocommerce or the registration of a wp user. Custom form for registration need to be customized to register a subscriber.
KeymasterHi, which facebook extension version are you running? The last one?
or your provider is filtering the outgoing emails or the receivers are filtering on their side. It’s not a problem of encoding if at least one account is receiving them. Ask your provider if it is dropping some emails. Which is the provider?
KeymasterHi could you kindly open a ticket for support on commercial extensions?
Anyway, are you accessing the site as admin or another role? That could be the problem.
KeymasterHi, you can add your custom css rules to skin the minimal form. You can add them to your theme or in the extra css rules on subscription configuration panel of Newsletter.
KeymasterAs reported in the error: “Ask your provider to unlock the HTTP/HTTPS connections to”. Your blog is firewalled, cannot connect to the license validator.
KeymasterMove to the preview and you have the full panel to set the subject, targeting and so on.
KeymasterHave you changed the delivery speed on newsletter main settings?
KeymasterThe problem is probably your php execution timeout or the capability of the server to manage a big number of insert via PHP. You probably should populate directly the database.
KeymasterHi I actually don’t know which could be the problem since they’re saved as wordpress options… it sounds like a database problem. Options in other panels are correctly saved?
KeymasterThose kind of error are logged in the error log of the server. Please try to find it so we can understand the problem. Check even the status panel of Newsletter for any possible error.
KeymasterCheck on form field panel what’s set in the button label.
March 14, 2017 at 2:41 pm in reply to: Shortcode or tag to add link to latest newsletter to html code #30888Stefano
KeymasterNo, there is not a shortcode for the latest email. You can eventually use the email url used to view the email online but removing the user key.
KeymasterActually not possible.
KeymasterSelect the correct dedicated page on subscription configuration panel. Pay attention at a possible specific set for the confirmation page, always in that panel.
KeymasterOn current version we do not support multilanguage plugins, sorry. You can create a custom form, one for each language. Shortly we introduce the by-list-messages so you can eventually address subscribers in different language to different lists.
About nrewsletters, when you have lists dedicate to different languages, you can send two different newsletters.
KeymasterHi in the generated profile page by Newsletter I have the alter message after saving. You don’t? May be there is a javacript error blocking the message?
KeymasterI’ll check it could be a bug.
KeymasterHi we cannot switch back, that editor is no more supported. I added for the new version the HTML button, which other tools are missing?
Thank you, Stefano.
March 10, 2017 at 1:49 pm in reply to: How to use SMTP with version 4.8.4 of The Newsletter plugin #30724Stefano
KeymasterSince google is deprecating the basic SMTP, you should use postman which integrates with google is more modern way and leave the SMTP setting if Newsketter disabled.
KeymasterHi, just install and configure postman and test it. Disable the newsletter SMTP option and set on main settings Newsletter to NOT send email directly.
That’s all, Stefano.
KeymasterSee your other question, that is the problem. Once solved you should see that message disappear. Takr into consideration and external cron call, see the documentation about the delivery engine in this site.
Keymasterit means the plugin is not able to call itself. Could not be a problem, but usually it means WP is not able to trigger the internal scheduler, for example. That happens when the webserver has the wrong DNS configured.
If you can access to server with a shell try to ping and look at the answer of ping command.
KeymasterHi, you should buy a new license.
Thank you, Stefano.
KeymasterAnother observation: the plugin give each message to your server, then it loose the control of the email. If the local server has problem, delays or drops email we cannot know. If you’re sure a recipient has not received the email, try to send to that recipient a test email from the status panel.
KeymasterHi, how you know only 40 received the newsletter? To have logs with more information you should set the level to debug.
KeymasterHi, can you share a screenshot of your editor? You should have two toolbar and, for example, the justify button is there. We load the editor from a public cdn, may your connection is closed to cdnjs?
KeymasterSorry but which code?
KeymasterActivate the name/surname, gender and so on on the form fields panel. Not that hard.
March 6, 2017 at 11:02 pm in reply to: Help Removing WordPress Info/Login from Bottom of Nesletter #30563Stefano
KeymasterHi, we for sure are not adding those text, I suspect your theme is adding such info at the end of generated emails. How do you generate the newsletter? With the composer?
KeymasterIs the list 3 set as public? If not it will be skipped otherwise anyone would be able to add himself on every possible list.
KeymasterHi actually not, we’re working to add more options on each subscription startpoint (widget, woocommerce, form, registration) to add more control. For example in your case disabling confirmation email means to use single opt in for woocommerce registrations.
KeymasterHi all contacts are stored in database tables “wp_newsletter*” so if you have a database backup you can restore those tables.
KeymasterTry with {profile_N} in the email text, you should be replaced with the profile field number N.
No, there is not a way to resend the last newsletter to new subscribers.
KeymasterHi the tiny mce embedded in newsletter is not the one of WordPress, I don’t understand what you means with “activate tiny mce extended”. Is that a plugin? What is it adding over the standard wp editor?
KeymasterHi, did you already created a custom theme for newsletter?
KeymasterHi the button to switch to the raw editor is in the button bar in the panel, probably the option to show the html from tiny is not active I’ll check it.
The editor is not the WP editor so it does not work with other plugins. The editor of a newsletter needs to create specific code, absolute urls and so on… but probably we can look to use the native wp editor in next releases.
KeymasterYou’re right, it a bug. Will be fixed on next release (early next week).
KeymasterHi, there are more than one shortcode (see the documentation page on this site). which shortcode do you need specifically?
KeymasterHi, what do you mean with “not imported”? The subscribers are registered into the database to be subsequently confirmed. How did you find out they are not registered? From the subscriber panel?
KeymasterWithout the site address where to check the problem is impossible to debug it :-). Could you share it?
February 28, 2017 at 8:08 am in reply to: Question regarding lists based on user profile field #30326Stefano
KeymasterHi, there is not this option, you should run some kind of query to do that.
February 28, 2017 at 8:07 am in reply to: How do I transfer my WordPress users into a list that the plugin can recognize a #30325Stefano
KeymasterUsing the panel to integrate the wp users, import them all and then when you send a newsletter you can select to address only the subscriptions connected to a wp user.
KeymasterCreate a newsletter with a theme, when the editor displays switch to the html editor, empty the textarea and paste your html.
February 22, 2017 at 5:39 pm in reply to: WYSIWYG Text editor does not work in newsletter creation #30110Stefano
KeymasterMay be an old javascript file, Anyway on next update we move to tiny 4.0 everywhere so possible compatibility problem should be resolved.
KeymasterNo, you should code the form manually.
anyway we should add a shortcode for that!
February 21, 2017 at 12:27 pm in reply to: Add the newsletter subscription form into a wordpress page #30039Stefano
KeymasterOf course: [newsletter_form].
KeymasterProbably there is another plugin injecting styles in our pages which hide the sicebar. Can you share a screenshot? Anyway the only solution id to debug the page, I can do it with an administrative account. If you want, contact me privately at
February 19, 2017 at 4:25 pm in reply to: How to display privacy checkbox in subscribers account #29973Stefano
KeymasterThe privacy checkbox has no sense in the profile page, since once the user remove the privacy consent you should delete his profile. If you need just yes/no field you can use a custom field of type “select”.
KeymasterAnother thing: when importing Newsletter try to remove provider limitations like time limits, but not all providers let to change that value.
Check in the status panel if there’s a KO on time limit setting.You can even set Newsletter in debug mode (main settings panel) and check for php error logs in the status panel which could report possible problems.
KeymasterIf you can import so little amount per batch I suspect the provider has limitation on your database. Since your list is rather important, are you sure the hosting plan you have is enough powerful?
Anyway, you can always split the list is small batches and import them, ia an one off work… may be a little boring but to one time.
February 18, 2017 at 10:48 am in reply to: Step by Step Documentation to create customized Newsletter Theme #29951Stefano
KeymasterTo create a custom theme, it’s easy to not use the drag and drop which needs components, but to start from an HTML or a prepackaged theme and build a custom theme as explained in the documentation page. Custom themes must be store in the extensions/newsletter/emails/themes folder.
KeymasterHi, the black screen could hide a message writen in dark gray, can you check it? For example a database error.
You can try to put Newsletter in debug mode (see the main settings) and then check on status panel for a php error log (last elements of that panel). Check there if there are some kind of errors reported.if the status panel report 40M it means WP is working with 40M. That could means you cannot change the memory limit can be a limitation of your provider.
KeymasterHi, this is rather strange since the confirmation email is not different from the test email. Please, try to change the confirmation email text removing for example the word subscription. Have you asked your provider is it has outgoing filters on your email?
Which is your site? Where I can do a test?
KeymasterYes, we do all the development and test in localhost. Which error do you have? Which operative system? Have you tested the delivery from the status panel?
KeymasterMore, which version of Newsletter are you using?
It seems it is not the latest.
KeymasterHi, what’s not working? The email delivery? Which is your provider?
February 17, 2017 at 11:01 am in reply to: What's the meaning of at least one list/all lists ACTIVE/NOT ACTIVE? #29893Stefano
KeymasterNo, the “not active” means you’re sending emails to subscribers not in those lists. For example: you create a new list, the “marketing tips”, maybe associated to an automated channel. Example: tou want to send a newsletter to all your subscribes NOT ALREADY in the list to invite them:
“hey guys, a new fantastic marketing tips channel for you. Enter your {profile_url} and activate it now!”
You’ll select that list with the option “not active”. The all lists not active is similar, probably not really useful or maybe in some special cases.
KeymasterSometime I encountered this problem with special characters (accented or emoji), even if it should solved. If you create a blank newsletter does it saves correctly? Can you check the database encoding in the newsletter status panel? Should be something like utf8 ot utf8mb4.
KeymasterDisable the wp_debug in your wp-config.php file, meanwhile I add a check. On next release the notice shouldn’t be there.
KeymasterThe placeholder is replaced with a personal unsubscription url directly inside each email you send.
KeymasterSee the form fields panel.
KeymasterBounces are managed only with out integration to external delivery services which provide even the bounce detection and reporting. If you want to try to manage the bounces on your own, try the Bounce plugin.
KeymasterHi, I cannot understand from where this error is generated (Email sent with Newsletter: FAILED (Undefined index: post_type). Please try to use the status panel for a test, and before disable the direct sending in the newsletter main settings and disable the smtp in the smtp panel.
If you want to use postman, keep the direct send and the smtp disable in Newsletter.
KeymasterIs some kind of error or warning reported in the status panel?
KeymasterYour provider probably has a cron service which you can use, ask them.
KeymasterNo, it is not possible. Anyway if your subscribers are interested in your content, be sure they select at least one choice. You could preselect the english or the dutch to everyone and then and to choice if they prefer another language.
KeymasterYou can use extra profile fields, configure them on form fields pabel.
KeymasterThe automated extension can be setup to send out a newsletter every day with your latest posts.
KeymasterCreate a page with [newsletter] inside and setup the fields you need on the form fields panel.
February 13, 2017 at 10:21 am in reply to: Running "Status" shows PHP execution time limit too low,but no suggested setting #29657Stefano
KeymasterNewsletter tries to change temporary the value to know if it has the controls on it. WP it self change the timpout to 0 during import operation. If it is 600 o even 300 is ok. Usually it could be better to have it set at lower value and the let newsletter to increase it when needed (during a delivery batch).
February 13, 2017 at 10:16 am in reply to: confirmed_message_text issue in subscription.php line no 585 #29655Stefano
KeymasterUhm, those options should be initialized on installation. Enter the subscription panel and save all the options.
Let me know.
KeymasterHi I understand this is a very late response, but if you’re missing the “save” button probably there are other plugin interfering with our admin panels (not the first time we experience that).
KeymasterThe global wait timeout:
KeymasterIt seems the block folder is not readable or the plugin is not completely installed, Try to reinstall.
February 12, 2017 at 5:51 pm in reply to: The WordPress internal schedule is not triggered enough often #29641Stefano
KeymasterHi ask the provider to setup a cron call as explained in that page, is the easy solution. If the scheduler is triggered correctly the message should disappear in few hours.
KeymasterWhat do you mean with “I do not receive any email”?
February 12, 2017 at 5:46 pm in reply to: Best way to add specific post to news letter with RESPONSIVE DRAG & DROP COMPOSE #29639Stefano
KeymasterWe have not a block with that kind of configuration. We’re anyway working on a new block series and we would like to add this feature on the posts block or possibly in a new specialized block.
KeymasterYes, with the reports extension entering the detail panel of subscribed reached widget you can export all the click log.
KeymasterThank you for your report of this issue. We’ll check it. You can change the color of fields and text using the custom css you can find in the subscription panel to adjust the color for your theme.
KeymasterAll texts and labels are available in the subscription and form fields panels.
KeymasterHi we are working on the possibility to add custom blocks, actually they are not supported.
KeymasterCheck the documentation for more tips, anyway to add an extra field:
[newsletter_field name="profile" number="1" label="City"]
KeymasterThe plugin does not support natively the dkim. You should ask the provider to activate the dkim in the server you’re using to send the newsletter. Too often the dkim signature made by the sending software then fails because the sending server adds it’s own data.
KeymasterGuys, it seems your update is getting a wrong file or not replacing all the files. Delete the plugin folder and reinstall.
KeymasterHi, as far as we know there are not Newsletter ready themes in the market.
KeymasterThere is not an unsubscription form. The unsubscription starts from a personal link generated by the tag in every email you send.
KeymasterIt seems the folder emails/tnp-composer/blocks inside the plugin is not there or not readable. In which folder the plugin is installed? Could you check the mentioned folder?
KeymasterHi we’re aware of the problem. The new media selector of wordpress when opened outside a post panel does not show the size selector. We do not know why and asked support to the community since even on other plugins there is the same problem.
Meanwhile you should upload an image of the right dimensions.
As soon as we find out the problem will release an update.
KeymasterProbably you have a lot of plugin installed, increase the memory for your wordpress trying to set
define(‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘128M’);
in your wp-config.php.
What’s strange in the admin side wp set it to 256, probably your provider has a block, you should even as them to increase that limit.
KeymasterIt’s probably a bug, I’ll check it. The save button was removed some time ago because people wrongly changed the newsletter configuration affecting the statistics. So I think it is a bug.
KeymasterHi the file plugin.php form, version 4.7.9 has not the line number 1545, it is shorter. Probably your blog is loading a wrong file, have you two folders with the same plugin?
KeymasterHi, test email probably are not associated to a user so the placeholders cannot be replaced. Test with a real subscription.
KeymasterThe problem is probably in your server not being able to insert all the 60.000 contacts. You should break it up in small pieces.
KeymasterTranslations can be contributed on and once ready they’ll come automatically with the plugin.
KeymasterThis is strange. You can take a link giving you the error and at the end you can find something like nk=dd-tttttt.
dd is the subscriber id and ttttt the token. Check that token in the subscriber panel for the subscriber which such id. Does they match?
February 4, 2017 at 2:29 pm in reply to: conflict with premium theme after the last update plugin newsletter #29450Stefano
KeymasterHi, some themes includes an old version of tgmpa which has not protection when it is loaded more than one time. We are working to remove it from our plugin without loose the quick installation from the extension panel. I believe monday we can release the fix.
KeymasterHi, actually there is no much we can do in the plugin. It’s strange to not have that images loaded if you enabled the remote content. Any other information is given by apple mail over the image? The top logo is shown, is it an image?
If you right click over the image is there any option?
KeymasterCreate the lists you need from the lists panel and when you import select the destination list.
KeymasterWhen you send a newsletter you should add the {profile_url} link so the user can edit his profile where the public lists are shown.
KeymasterThe only cookie used is “newsletter” which contains the user id, used to unlock the content if the content locking feature is used. Data in the cookie is not used to profile the user but is like a session cookied to recognize the user, like the login cookie of wordpress.
February 1, 2017 at 11:34 pm in reply to: problem with the code here [newsletter_form type="minimal"] #29367Stefano
KeymasterProbably the CSS of your theme has not good rules for buttons. If you share the link where the form can be seen I can check them.
KeymasterSorry, but what do you mean with “newsletter name”?
KeymasterHi, it seems a problem with the tgm library we use. We check the problem tomorrow and release a patch. I’m able to dismiss it on my blog, can you contact me privately at We can try to debug the problem.
Thank you, Stefano.
January 31, 2017 at 8:40 am in reply to: Migrated website – confirmation url goes to new site then forwards to old site #29293Stefano
check the content of the confirmation emial in the subscription panel. Maybe there you find the old url. Check even the dedicated page url, always in the subscription panel.
You should even check the WP general setting to be compatible with your new domain.Stefano.
KeymasterThe form in the popup seems to work correctly but mu should set “target=”_top”” in the form tag. I was not able to find the form not working.
KeymasterHi the problem is that your site has a style rule with high priority that changes the behaviour of every labels inside the content… it’s not so easy to address without changing that special rule in your site style…
January 27, 2017 at 3:21 pm in reply to: Using TAG in italian language don't give me the correct translations #29241Stefano
KeymasterUhm, it could be a bug. Maybe the date function is used instead of the date_i18n. I’ll check it.
Thank you, Stefano.
KeymasterHi, if you have a license, please open a ticket to the support reserved to premium users.
Anyway you can copy the generated form in other sites but remember to include the form validation javascript or to code a custom one.
About the form in emails, it’s not clear to me what you mean.Thank you, Stefano.
if you enable the SMTP ONLY the emails sent by Newsletter will use that SMTP, otherwise Newsletter uses the mailing system of WordPress. But check on main setting to have deselected the “send email directly”, otherwise Newsletter uses an independent method always relying on the blog server.
Of course, if you have an SMTP plugin, setting Newsletter (as is out of the box) to send using WP, emails are sent by your SMTP plugin.
The only limitation is that Newsletter cannot send the textual part and will send newsletter only as HTML.
KeymasterHi, they are not important. Probably we wrongly logged them as ERROR instead of INFO (sometime programmer do that to be sure the log is written since the logger always writes ERROR log lines).
Thank you for your report, I’ll check the log statements in the code.
January 26, 2017 at 11:44 am in reply to: Create 2 different forms and have different email details after the subscription #29200Stefano
KeymasterYou can create different forms using the Newsletter shortcodes (see the documentation on this site) and, if needed, set on each form the destination list. About separated confirmation/welcome email, we’re working on that. Is not a super requested feature but it will be useful with the new autoresponder.
It could take a month to have that live.
KeymasterThe problem (I can’t check it since I’ve not your blog address) is probably the style of your theme. You can add specific styles in the cusotm styles field you can find in the Newsletter subscription panel (in the near future they’ll be moved in the main settings panel) to make the appearance of the widget different.
Of course a basic knowledge of the CSS is required. In the documentation there is specific page ( to understand how to address the form elements and change they appearance using the CSS.
KeymasterSuch kind of errors are usually due to a third party plugin injection some kind of code (or another tinymce version) in newsletter panels. Try to find out if the problem is there.
KeymasterYou should create your custom form with your own validation code, starting from the generated form. it’s not that complicated.
KeymasterPlease, check the subscriber panel filter (by name, list, status, …).
KeymasterYou can use the whatever “extension” of the domain name you prefer, why you think it could be mandatory to use .org?
January 15, 2017 at 3:56 pm in reply to: How to bulk confirm all 'not confirmed' subscribers ? #28971Stefano
KeymasterYou should run a query into the database: update wp_newsletter set status=’C’ where status=’S’. That query preserves the bounced addresses.
KeymasterHi, are you using the tag {blog_name}? Eventully just write the blog name without using the tag, it should work. Let me know (and I’ll check the code since the subject should not be html escaped).
January 15, 2017 at 3:52 pm in reply to: Simultaneously make the newsletter a wordpress post in my blog #28969Stefano
KeymasterNo, it’s not possible. The newsletter is a full HTML page it would be complicated to make it render correctly inside a post.
KeymasterNo, they cannot be created from the frontend. Why?
January 15, 2017 at 3:46 pm in reply to: The difference between Interactions, Opened and clicked #28967Stefano
KeymasterAn interaction is an open OR a click.
KeymasterIf you’re not able to send a test newsletter but the diagnostic work, probably your provider has a spam filter. Try to create a blank newsletter with only text (no images and no links) and test it.
January 12, 2017 at 3:41 pm in reply to: How can I insert newsletter optin into page content? #28893Stefano
KeymasterYou should create a custom form and then recall it with [newsletter_form form="1"], for example.
KeymasterHi, I need to see the form online live to check which CSS must be modified. Have you a public page where I can see it with the layout you attached?
Thank you, Stefano.
KeymasterHi, I tested on out test env the blocks and they work. Have you any javascript error? Or server side error logged into your server logs?
January 8, 2017 at 6:22 pm in reply to: 404 error page shows after clicking subscribe – Chords #28787Stefano
KeymasterYou form uses an old action url, the new on is
January 8, 2017 at 5:30 pm in reply to: WordPress signs ups automatically sign up with NewsLetter plugin? #28786Stefano
KeymasterWe have not a specific integration with that plugin, but try to play with the wp integration settings, probably it works.
KeymasterYou can configure the lists in the lists configuration panel and the decide is they should show in the subscription form.
KeymasterYes, you can use the lists configuration panel.
KeymasterThis is in our short development plans.
Thank you, Stefano.
KeymasterHi, they bring to the newsletter dedicated page you setup in the subscription panel. Be sure that page contains only the [newsletter] shortcode.
January 8, 2017 at 5:11 pm in reply to: 'Not enough privileges' during new newsletter creation #28779Stefano
KeymasterSometimes security plugins interfere with the preview, I don’t know why. Have you any of those plugins installed?
KeymasterThe default theme should already detect the products of wc as custom post type.
Keymastercheck the dedicated page set on subscription settings panel.
Keymasterthe problem is your form, you should change the action to
December 29, 2016 at 9:58 pm in reply to: Email address that was already subscribed not caught by subscription form. #28562Stefano
Keymasteractually not because you can create many forms for many different lists, anyway we’re introducing that option with an error message.
December 29, 2016 at 9:57 pm in reply to: How to change the 'Subscribe' in WP widget? Translation seems not work. #28561Stefano
Keymasterhi which translation tool are you using? if the widget configuration has not the fields for those labels, you should be able to change them in the form field configuraton panel.
Keymasterhi, other topics are due to third party plugin injecting wrong css in the Newsletter panel. In your case, which is the status of the newsletter you’re editing? If it is “new” almost surely there is a css rule hinding the button but to check that I need to access the panel. Or are you able to inspect the code with a browser debugger?
KeymasterUse the custom css field on plugin configuration and add the rule
.tnp-field input[type=”submit”] {
color: #000;
}December 24, 2016 at 4:57 pm in reply to: How does a subscriber unsubscribe? Don't see a form for it. #28410Stefano
Keymasterif just enetring an email one can enter that account, anyone can edit any other else account. a newsletter has not the login concept as a website, one can unsibscribe directly from the unsubscription link you send with newsletters (which is a personal unsubscription link).
December 24, 2016 at 11:28 am in reply to: "Unsubscribe" link being added to newsletters, outside of theme, below footer #28408Stefano
KeymasterCould you report here the link? It could be by mailgun I don’t know, but seeing the link I can unerstand if it is by Newsletterb or not.
KeymasterThe dark blue may hide an error in dark grey. Could you check?
You can check even the error log of the server, usually this is a problem in the database. Have you tried to deactivate and reacgtivate the plugin?
Eventually rename the wp_newsletter table and and upon reactivation it should create it again. The test the subscriber saving.
KeymasterIt seems a stats parameter is generating an error in your dashboard. If possible can you verify the error_log of youe server where the error should be logged?
Thank you, Stefano.
KeymasterHi, where did you get “Waiting for (my domain)”?
KeymasterHi, open the page you set a dedicated newsletter page and send me here the url.
Of course be sure the page is selected in the subscription configuration panel.Thank you, Stefano.
December 19, 2016 at 10:34 pm in reply to: Not being sent plus test emails fail fraud detection checks #28323Stefano
KeymasterHi, there is already a ticket in the support system about this topic, replies will follow the ticket.
Thank you, Stefano.
KeymasterHi, there is no support for translation plugins, but you can change every text inside the subscription configuration panel and the form fields panel.
KeymasterHi, a fix for that specific error is coming. Try to save the form fields panel, it could help. Anyway the fix will be published this week.
December 18, 2016 at 10:44 am in reply to: Can I send messages too the mailing list using another mail client??? #28263Stefano
KeymasterWhat do you mean with “another email client”? An email client is a software to read emails usually.
KeymasterHi probably you have a caching plugin or like removing the url parameters. Anyway without your blog address we cannot check it.
KeymasterHi we need to see the form in that external site to be of help…
KeymasterTry to disable the tracking. Can you also share here a generated link that is not working? Probably you have a plugin removing the parameter of the tracking system and creating that issue.
KeymasterHi, add your custom rules in the subscription configuration panel.
KeymasterHi probably is a CSS problem, but without a screenshot is hard to say…
KeymasterThe button is an image, have you tried to remove that image from form fields panel?
KeymasterHi, in our css the label should be almost black (color: #333;). Can you check if the label is inheriting a color from your theme?
KeymasterWhite label? Very bad on us! I’ll check suddenly!
KeymasterThe script is registered with standard script enqueue functions, you should deregister it.
KeymasterWrite me privately at and give me an account to check that panel. Surely there is a third party style which is hiding the buttons.
KeymasterSurely is your hosting, we do not add prefixes in any emails.
KeymasterYou can add a filter in your theme to deactivate the css. Check the docs in this site on the form style panel. Thank you.