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  • in reply to: What‘s about Multisite Support? #130017

    You can use it on your multisite, but have to think how you want to use it. It registers the users per website when you install it on every site. This means sending also per site. I liked to have central control so added a extra 'news'-site (easy on a multi 😉 and collect al subscribers and listpreferences there and also send out letters from there. For including the latest newsitems you can use a post-duplicationplugin.

    in reply to: Import huge data - over 780 000 email addresses #50800

    You better not do it in one, but a couple imports of a smaller size.

    in reply to: Unsubscribe via Form in PHP #50798

    You can't 'toggle' a subscription ond and off easily if you want them to unsubscribe. You can create an unsubscribe option on the members profilepage, but when people call Stefano, someone that puts a lot of time and effort in this system for all to use for free 'sounding lazy'....


    Try hit the send button... and use aan cronjob if your site isn't visited frequent enough.

    in reply to: No failures reported function when sending for real #50118

    It's like putting your snailmail in the postbox and the postman trows them in a garbagecan, you won't see the result at the mailbox...
    I had a similar moment, I saw the in the stats in my Plesk (always monitor your sending on several levels) for the delivery in 'the previous hour' and it was to low (dropped from 3000 to 100 for that hour). So 2900 emails were dropped, but that was not the Newsletters vault, but my hostprovider had changed his policy without informing. They had did it for all their account against spamming. After a good talk on the phone our account is now manualy changed to a higher level 🙂

    in reply to: how do I find recipients who are not in any list? #50094

    I have also tried to find a filteroption (or a way to easely at it to the subscribers searchpanel) but can't find a way to do it. It would be helpfull to find out how many subscribers are 'unsubscribed' without unsubscribing. It's also a good way to support a temporary deactivation of the newsletters, but you would then like to mail them after some time. So if there was a 'no list' next to the 'any list' and the separate lists, that would be great.

    in reply to: Modify {profile_form} placeholder? #50072

    Sorry you are wrong, this is the best plugin there is. No limits to try it before you could take the (low priced) premium-option and easy to learn how to use by just using it. Haven't found a better system for this price.

    in reply to: No failures reported function when sending for real #50068

    You should always first check the max emails per hour and day before using a system for bulkmail. If your emails are dropped because of a limit on the server, its not a bug of the newslettersoftware, you didn't check (as advised for the configuration).

    in reply to: How can i check if the email is already subscribed #31740

    Why would you like to tell them they forgot they signed up? Next question you should ask - if someone doesn't know they are subscribed - how can the emailadres be in your database -legal - Didn't they double opt-in?

    in reply to: Extra field importing, managing, filtering #30556

    as far as I understood only subscribing by website makes it possible to use the extra fields. Would be great wen it also worked by list import.


    That could be usefull, but you would first want to see who is 'not active' for all lists (maybe wanted to be unsubscribed but didn't, maybe not wanting the receive the newsletter for a short or longer time...). It was an developmentsuggestion I made some month's ago to give that info on the subscribers search & edit-page.

    in reply to: No notice or warning for email addresses already subscribed #28972

    Just read the forum and you will see the same question a couple of days ago.

    For simple logic;
    - If somone subscribes for the second time for the same newsletter it's, why would you give that person the feedback "you forgot you already subscribed and confrimed for this newsletter". No harm by not mentioning.
    - If someone else checks if you are subscribed to a newsletter by entering your emailadress and that person get's the message "you are already subscribed" than you have a privacy-issue. That would be a problem.
    - And more difficult, if someone can subscribe to more newsletters at the same time (most of us will use that option) and get's an error because he already subscribed to one of them but not to the others...

    The big question is, why would you want it when it changes nothing in a positive way.

    (and also the reason why unsubscribing should never be possible by entering only the emailadres in een box on the website, but be checked before)


    I hope it will not get standard we get error messages on a double subscription, it's not even a problem that needs to be solved. It's maybe even an privacy-issue when you give that information about an already subscribed emailadres to someone that is entering that emailadress!

    in reply to: Newsletter widget text box headings #28091

    There isn't much to investigate asap; the text is on the right place, but a white text on a white background. Just simple select text in that area with your mouse and you will see the text. The warnings could mean the files are missing? (they should exist)

    in reply to: newsletter-delivery-desaster #27141

    Why do people always complain and accuse. I'm sending much much more newsletters with Newsletter and I can't complain about the plugin. Sending a newsletter isn't difficult, but getting it - delivered - is extreme complex! Sending newsletters is more than a plugin and a push on a button. You have to kwow about what your mailserver/provider accepts, limits on your emailadresses/domains, blacklisting and handeling of such a flag, DMARC, SPF and/or DKIM to get deliverd to gmail hotmail and such account. And don't forget bounce handeling, de bounce-plugin also made by Stefano works great!

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