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  • in reply to: Privacy tick box and new subscriber email #95861

    Hi Stefano,

    I'm just thinking about proof of consent. I could set the privacy box to not required, and the information would be stored just the same. I just wonder if anyone might question when I had turned it on (might be now, might be in the future). Or maybe I'm being paranoid!


    in reply to: Checkboxes and GDPR #93010

    Thank you, Stefano, that clarifies things. I'll leave the checkboxes pre-checked.

    Regarding future changes of the privacy policy that subscribers agree to, will there need to be a function for them to agree again (i.e. another check box), or will it be enough to send out the new policy?

    in reply to: Confirmation/Welcome/Unsubscribe messages do not show up #70779

    Hi Jesse,

    You've set up a html page on your WP site, I presume, with the shortcode [Newsletter] in it.

    Under List Building--subscription, you should see 5 tabs: General, subscription, activation, welcome, profile. On General you set your dedicated page (the WP page you created), then under the other four tabs you can set info that appears on the automatically generated pages (for subscription, activation, etc). On the last three tabs (activation, welcome and profile), there is an option to link to a custom made page (e.g. alternative welcome page url). Then, you would create your own Wp pages to correspond to these. This is the bit that wasn't working for me, so I left them blank, and opted just to customise the messages (activation message, etc) under each tab.

    Does that make sense?


    in reply to: Confirmation/Welcome/Unsubscribe messages do not show up #51679

    Hi Jesse,

    Just to let you know that the way I resolved this issue was to give up on all custom pages, and just use the auto-generated ones. So, just have the [newsletter] shortcode in your main newsletter page, then customise the messages for the other pages. This now works fine. You can add a custom form so that the sign-up page is more how you want it (add text and html, etc).

    Anyway, not ideal, but it stopped me banging my head against the wall.


    in reply to: Confirmation/Welcome/Unsubscribe messages do not show up #49413

    Hi Stefano,

    OK, I think it's working now. If I just use the messages without custom pages, then it works.

    One other small question: is it possible to customise the profile form in the same way you can customise the subscriber form? I know you can customise the text around the profile form, but I'd like to alter the format and wording of the profile form itself.

    Thank you,


    in reply to: Confirmation/Welcome/Unsubscribe messages do not show up #49409

    Hi Stefano,

    Thanks so much for your quick reply.

    I did not have the [newsletter] shortcode on those pages - I didn't realised that it needed to be there. I've added it now, but the messages still don't show up. In fact, all that happens is that it displays the subscription form.

    What am I doing wrong?


    in reply to: "Other messages" not appearing #49395

    I have exactly this problem too.

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