Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Wording of the plain text admin mails

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  • #331468

    Hello there!

    I am working as a developer and I support a customer who chose to use the Newsletter plugin. The customer wants to adjust the wording of the plaintext versions of confirmation and confirmed messages sent by the system. And I found this function in the

    subscription/subscription.php as the source of the wording … /**
    * @todo Move texts in the _get_default_text() method
    function get_text_message($type) {
    switch ($type) {
    case 'confirmation':
    return __('To confirm your subscription follow the link below.', 'newsletter') . "\n\n{subscription_confirm_url}";
    case 'confirmed':
    return __('Your subscription has been confirmed.', 'newsletter');
    return '';

    … can we hope for someone to do the todo anytime soon, so we can adjust the wording? Adding a filter here would be great. The only other option I see to adjust the wording would be to hook into the __() which is not a great way …



    we're in the process of making every message editable with our visual composer, which will solve this once and for all. Anyway, that message is really useful only for antispam filters.


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