Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support woocommerce and WP-User integration and the new European privacy laws

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    Hello Team,
    as far as I know there will be a new EU privacy law effective on may2018.

    The two integrations will automaticaly mark a subsciber as confirmed on first login wether or not there was a newsletter confimation mail sent and wether or not the user clicked on the link in that email.

    I'm not sure if that is ok any more with the new EU law. As far as I know you have to send an confimation email that is just for the newsletter and for nothing else.

    So how can I cange the behaviour of both integrations to wait for the clikc in the newsletter email confirmation?


    On woocommerce you can enable the double opt in (it should even be enabled on main settings) and the wp users integration uses the double opt in specified on subscription settings, but probably still confirm the user at first login.

    The activation is mean to be sure the email address is correct and owned by the subscriber.



    Hello Stefano,
    thank you for your answer but i guess you did not understand. As far as I understand the new EU law it is not OK to let subscibers opt in through a mail that is not explicitly for the newsletter.

    I know I can't setup the newsletter plugin so it will send an extra confirmation email (with link to click) aside from the one send by WP or woocommerce for the account activation. BUT NO MATTER WHAT I SETUP, SUBSCRIBERS ARE ALWAYS CONFIRMED ON FIRST LOGIN EVEN THOUGH THEY DID NOT CLICK ON THE CONFIRMATION LINK THAT WAS SEND IN THE EMAIL FOR THE NEWSLETTERSUBSCIPTION.


    Any news on this issue? Or am I doing something wrong?

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