Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Where to edit some default messages/email texts?

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  • #311918
    Klaus H2

    Hi there,

    while most messages and email-texts can be individually configured, I didn't find the place where the unsubscribe message can be edited. Same for the "Good Bye" email.

    If the user decides to resubmit after unsubscribing, where is the default message he receives defined? I also recognized, that in the case of resubmit after unsubscribing, there's no confirmation email send out. Is this "works as designed" of did I miss an option?
    Otherwise it is a great plugin! Thanks for looking into this and helping!

    Klaus H2

    So, after some more research, I found the location for the unsubscribe/resubscribe messages and emails. They are located under the subscribers folder, while the others are located under the subscribe process folder...

    However, the other question of mine is still open (email notification after resubscription).

    I'm also wondering that the "new subscription" message to the system owner is in English language only and I didn't find where to customize it.

    I would suggest to the development team to consolidate all this messages/email topics in one place to keep the process more elegant.

    Thanks and best regards - and a happy New Year,


    Hi, the resubscription doesn't have a specific email, nothing is sent if the subscriber reactivates the subscription after unsubscribing. The text message, instead, is configurable always in the same panel.
    We don't suggest sending a good bye email, it is no longer considered a good practice, specially starting from 2024 with the new Google and Yahoo rules.

    Happy new year (a bit late) to you!

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