Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support What's the meaning of at least one list/all lists ACTIVE/NOT ACTIVE?

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  • #29865


    Thanks for the plugin!

    I want to be sure what does <<Subscribers with at least one list/all lists active/not active>> mean in Edit Newsletter -> Targeting -> Lists view.

    Please let me know if I am right in this example. I have 3 preferences/lists and I check 2 of them:
    - at least one list + active: "Send this newsletter ONLY TO the users that belong to one or more of the lists I checked"
    - all lists + active: "Send this newsletter ONLY TO the users that belong to all lists that I checked"
    - at least one list + not active: "Send this newsletter to ALL users EXCEPT those who belong to one or more of the lists I checked"
    - all lists + not active: "Send this newsletter to ALL users EXCEPT those who belong to ALL the lists I checked"

    Did I understand correctly?

    Thank you in advance.


    No, the "not active" means you're sending emails to subscribers not in those lists. For example: you create a new list, the "marketing tips", maybe associated to an automated channel. Example: tou want to send a newsletter to all your subscribes NOT ALREADY in the list to invite them:

    "hey guys, a new fantastic marketing tips channel for you. Enter your {profile_url} and activate it now!"

    You'll select that list with the option "not active". The all lists not active is similar, probably not really useful or maybe in some special cases.



    Ok, thank you. I understand the one list example. So... if I check multiple lists and have "at least one list + not active", that means I send emails to subscribers that don't belong to one or more of those checked lists, right? And for "all lists + not active" with multiple checked lists, that means I send emails only to subscribers that belong to NONE of those checked lists, right?

    Hope I got this cases right.



    That could be usefull, but you would first want to see who is 'not active' for all lists (maybe wanted to be unsubscribed but didn't, maybe not wanting the receive the newsletter for a short or longer time...). It was an developmentsuggestion I made some month's ago to give that info on the subscribers search & edit-page.

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