Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Web Bug from ...

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  • #312116

    When I send the test email, only with Android (gmail program) and from PC from web gmail this error appears below:
    Web Bug from https://"mysite"/?noti=ODswOzIzZGFjM2Y1MTM1YmNjMWYxNzMyNTk1YmQzOTEzODA0

    For me it is very important because I send a lot with this method and the error is ugly to see at the footer of the page.
    Does any good soul know the solution?

    In the code of the email there is this below:

    <!-- /tnp -->

    <img src=3D"
    AAALAAAAAABAAEAAAgEAAEEBAA7" width=3D"1" height=3D"1" alt=3D"Web Bug from h=
    DA0" /></body>


    I hope someone helps.
    Thank you and congratulations for your work!


    That is the tracking image to know when the email is opened, if you disable the tracking is it not added anymore.
    Probably or the email client or some other filter is showing that code.

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