Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Users registered by RegistrationMagic form to be added automatically to newslett

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  • #106212

    Dear all,

    I’m using WordPress with the free version of "RegistrationMagic" and the free version of “The Newsletter plugin” and installed the "WP Users Integration" plug-in.

    I'd like to know how to add the newsletter subscription to a RegistrationMagic form.

    I would like users to be added automatically to one (or maybe more) newsletter list(s) upon registration.

    I must admit that I'm not into HTML/PHP at all and I even don't know what a "Associated User Meta Key" is 😉

    I would appreciate any help!

    Kind regards,



    If that plugin uses the standard WP functions to register a user, the extension "WP user integration" should be able to intercept the registration and subscribe the user. Just configure it properly, for example forcing the subscription upon registration.



    Dear Stefano,

    thanks for the quick reply.

    You're right: it works, if I choose the value "Yes, force subscription" within "Subscription on registration".
    But how do I get the value "Yes, show the option already checked" within the registration form?

    Kind regards,


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