Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Users being unsubscribed automatically (wrongfully)

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  • #267546
    Steven Burzysnki

    Hi there,

    I am using the newsletter plugin for a client and they recently have had members who received the unsubscribe email when they didn't unsubscribe. I checked the SendGrid logs, and it looks like almost 1800 members were unsubscribed in 1 day (about 1 user was receiving the "You've been unsubscribed" email every minute). Is this happening for anyone else? Is there anything I can do to solve this? This is urgent

    Thanks in advance!


    Hi, actually I don't know what is happening. It sounds like a system is surfing the unsubscribe links or like, massively in all your emails.

    Helmut Pilhar

    The same thing is happening to my website since a couple of months and we have no idea why. Is there any more information about it in the meantime?

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