Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Update overrides settings

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  • #327474
    Vincent Brivot

    The last update to 8..3.5 on WP 6.5.3 has overridden the settings so I had to set them again.

    (maybe there's an other way to declare an issue)


    Hi, of course, that should not happen and that version has nothing changed in the "version change" code. Which settings have been lost or reset?

    Vincent Brivot

    for example the authorization setting (our client wasn't able anymore to access any page of the plugin in the backend)


    Hi, this is rather weird. The sender's email or the sender's name have been preserved?

    Vincent Brivot

    I think so. I've noticed this change because the client is often using the plugin and informed me he had lost the capability.
    Maybe it's just a random issue.

    I just wanted to notice it.

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