Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Unsubscribe URL in the Newsletter do not work properly

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  • #116046


    the link in the newsletter: {unsubscription_url} calls the right site, but the following message ist displyed:

    "Subscriber not found, the data is probably already deleted. There is nothing else to do."

    But the subscriber is in the list an nothing was deleted. And i ask if there a option possible, that the subscriber has to klick first to a button of this page and after that he would remove. (not immediately by click to the link in the newsletter mail).

    The "edit profile page" - {profile_url} - shows the entry of the subscriber double with each other

    I use the latest version: 5.6.5 of the newsletter plugin.

    It's now ot but:
    Can i scedule a newsletter to plan date and time for sending? "Continue sending" option in the newsletter editor do not work.
    I did adjust the time zone to amsterdam (where i live).

    Thanks für your answer.

    Best Regards - Stefan


    Same with me:

    In the email I found the following header:
    List-Unsubscribe: <https://{MyDomain}/?na=u&nk=1-a6dc08e03b&nek=3->

    After changing the value of the variable
    the answer of the newsletter plugin was correct.

    WordPress 4.9.8, Newsletter Plugin Version 5.6.5


    Hallo, after the update to 5.6.6 the Unsubscribe link in the e-mail now is working.

    But the error after klick "edit the subscription" is still there: It displays the data of subscription twice each other.

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