the link in the newsletter: {unsubscription_url} calls the right site, but the following message ist displyed:
"Subscriber not found, the data is probably already deleted. There is nothing else to do."
But the subscriber is in the list an nothing was deleted. And i ask if there a option possible, that the subscriber has to klick first to a button of this page and after that he would remove. (not immediately by click to the link in the newsletter mail).
The "edit profile page" - {profile_url} - shows the entry of the subscriber double with each other
I use the latest version: 5.6.5 of the newsletter plugin.
It's now ot but:
Can i scedule a newsletter to plan date and time for sending? "Continue sending" option in the newsletter editor do not work.
I did adjust the time zone to amsterdam (where i live).
Thanks für your answer.
Best Regards - Stefan