Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Unable to display Lists Field Name (text) before checkboxes

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  • #175589

    Hi guys.

    I'm a hobbyist WordPresser so have limited knowledge. I'm baffled at how to show a line of text to the effect of "Please select which newsletters you would like to recieve" before the list of checkbox LIST options are shown.

    The only way I've found that this could be added is by writing out all the shortcodes manually as described on this page: https://www.thenewsletterplugin.com/documentation/subscription-form-shortcodes but then there's no styling and that's a whole other world of pain for me and my noobness.

    I'd like to show this lists_field_label but doing it via the dashboard so my form still looks pretty.

    Is there any way in the dashboard end of the form set up to allow me to put a line in? Otherwise my form asks for name and email address and then just shows a bunch of checkboxes which doesn't look great.
    Thanks for any help you can give me!

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