Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support There are issues with the delivery engine. Please check them here.

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  • #340790
    Jürgen Kroder

    I’ve installed your plugin on different wordpress blogs. Since a few days I get on _every_ blog this error message:

    “There are issues with the delivery engine. Please check them here.”




    if you click on that link, you can gather some more in depth info about that issue. If those blogs are sharing the same hosting, it’s probably caused by the same error.



    same problem from 27th of February on my site.
    Something is not working well.
    Cron doesn’t work…
    I’m available to share info if needed (also in italian)



    I have the same problem.

    I have noticed the issue when the site failed to deliver newsletters to our subscribers on 23 Feb. The plugin was updated on 20 Feb.

    The message on NL Schedule panel is:
    The cron system is NOT triggered enough often.
    The job has been skipped! The scheduler is overloaded or a job has fatal error and blocks the scheduler: check the server error logs with the help of your provider.

    I did contact the provider and they said nothing wrong on their side.

    Could you please investigate. If you need more details, let me know.

    Thank you for your help,


    Hi, the “The job has been skipped!” is a serious problem: it means the delivery job was ready to be executed but the scheduler has been “killed”.
    Please, install the wp crontrol plugin and check under tools/schedule events what it reports.

    Instead the generic message “There are issues with the delivery engine. Please check them here.” means the cron needs to be triggered externally, see here:
    All those problems are not about the plugin, regard the WP scheduler, the plugin just takes care to report the. A malfunctioning WP scheduler creates problem to other plugins as well and to WP it self (for example for future posts).

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