Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Text form field - where are subscribers' text inputs stored?

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  • #286940

    Good day!
    I have the following question: I have integrated the newsletter plugin on my site. In addition to the required email address, I have now also integrated a text field. As it is also very well described in the newsletter tutorial movie "Subscription Forms".
    Can you tell me where I can find the entries in this subscriber text field afterwards in the backend? I could not find this information in the subscriber accounts or in a test export file I created. Unfortunately, if this information is not stored, these additional fields are of no use to me. Is there any other solution here then, if applicable?

    Many thanks already for your efforts.
    With kind regards


    Hi, check the name of the text input field, probably it is wrong and Newsletter does not recognize it. Be sure that extra profile field is public as well: you can configure the extra profile fields on "subscription forms" panel.

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