Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Suggestion for new feature

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  • #297523
    Westwood Mike

    I think it would be nice if on the Newsletters page (the list of Newsletters) under the Status column could include an additional line underneath the status icon that shows the average sending rate. In this example, where I'm showing 977 per hour. It should be easy to calculate since the start time of the newsletter is known. For a newsletter that has finished sending, I don't know if the system records the date/time when the last email was sent to calculate the final sending rate.

    In this example my sending rate is sent to 2000 per hour; I'm using Amazon SES, yet the actual sending rate seems to be about half that limit. I assume that's because of the capacity on the hosting server. I'm using shared hosting with Bluehost.

    Here's an image showing the idea: https://1drv.ms/u/s!ApnPDsHOI12IuzzGj4KXx04sUBnB?e=7BrUNx

    This is great software.


    Hi, thank you for sharing. There is an average speed on System pages (usually when one or more newsletters are going out to get an idea of how long it would take). Actually, we probably have not information on a specific newsletter, anyway I'll check it.

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