Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Subscription on WP-regristration: not work with woocom customer regristration?

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    sorry, one more question 🙂

    You write here that a newsletter subscription can be created automatically on WP-registration.

    If a woocommerce customer creates a customer account (which is also a WP-registration, if I understand right), this does not work?? Or am I doing something wrong?

    This would be a very interesting add-on to TNP!

    thanks, Gilbert


    The registration on subscription takes place IF the user_register event (WP standard) is fired. If Woocommerce does not fire it, probably the subscription cannot be registered. Of course you should configure the wp integration to register every new user without rely on the opt in checkbox because I can image it is not there on Woocommerce registration form.

    Anyway it sounds strange to me that Woocommerce isn't firing that event.




    You're absolutly right: If I choose "Force subscription", it works!!

    I wanted to be nice and choose "Yes, show option already checked", which did not show up on the woocommerce registration, but did still prevent the subscription to take place.

    => I will probably go with "Force subscription".

    => Still, do you see a way to implement the "Show option" ... so that I could link your "checkbox" with a field I create in woocommerce registration form?

    Thanks again, Gilbert

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