Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Subscription confirmation emails not sent

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    I see a few questions on this topic, but no solutions.

    I've just activated the TNP cron service, but still am not receiving the subscription confirmation emails. I get the test emails fine and I get the confirmation email when I use the same address to subscribe to TNP newsletter.
    What was the solution to this problem? Using hosted WP on GoDaddy.


    Godaddy email system is not reliable (but depends on the hosting plan). Sometimes emails are delivered sometimes not. Is not about the scheduler. Ask Godaddy support which SMTP you can use and install an SMTP plugin to connect the blog to that SMTP (if they give you one).

    If they give sn SMTP, usually that solves the problem. Connecting the bog to an external SMTP typically does not work with Godaddy since the blocks that kind of connection.

    A good alternative is to use a pro delivery service (SendGrid, mailjet, ...) and connect to them with a plugin that uses their API, Godaddy cannot block those kinds fo connections. That is what we do with our delivery addon, for example, not coded for godaddy but to have better performance and bounce management.

    Some free SMTP plugins have specific integration with delivery services using the API and they could be a solution when dealing with Godaddy.

    Anyway start reporting the problem to Godaddy.


    Thanks, I've already had one help session with GoDaddy, where I asked them about the SMTP, but will have another. You mentioned it's not about the schedule, but I'm getting an error in the TNP System/Scheduler page that
    "The cron system is NOT triggered enough often."


    Please see https://www.thenewsletterplugin.com/documentation/troubleshooting/newsletter-delivery-engine/ for scheluder tips and hints.

    Installing WP Crontrol often shows that many WordPress environments can’t manage scheduled tasks, not only Newsletter ones.

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