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  • #266914

    How can I move the newsletter signup button next to the address field? (in one line)


    you should play with CSS rules in your site or use the shotcodes to build a custom form:



    Hello Stefano,
    I have spent a few hours searching the net for an answer to this. The examples I have found do not work other than to change the color of the form. Could you simply please just supply us the CSS that will put the subscribe form on 1 line? It would be nice to do that and possibly gain a customer instead of telling us to go read a page that is of no help. That reflects poorly upon your support! I don't have the time to PLAY with it. Time is money and if you waste my time, then there's no money for YOU!
    It makes better sense that the add-on should have this feature built in since the majority of people who want to have a simple Subscribe on their main page simply want a one line form for this instead of a huge 2 line one.

    So please for your customers and future customers, show us how to do it on 1 line.

    Thank you.


    After more research and trial and error, this is what I came up with for it to be on one line. Please make edits to it as you guys wish! I hope this helps others!

    form {
      display: flex;
      align-items: center; /* Vertical alignment */
    .tnp-subscription {
      font-size: 13px;
      display: block;
      margin: 15px auto;
      max-width: 500px;
      width: 100%;
    .tnp-subscription input.tnp-submit {
      background-color: #696edb;
      color: #fff;
      width: auto;
      height: auto;
    .tnp-field-button, .tnp-field-email, .tnp-field-firstname {
      max-width: 500px;
      width: auto;
      height: auto;
      margin: 15px auto;
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