Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Select which list to subscribe to on registration

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  • #289314

    Hi there
    I have two lists ie. daily and weekly newsletter. Upon registration, I would like to allow new users to select which newsletter(s) they will receive.

    I’ve looked at both WP Users and the BuddyPress add-ons but neither of these seem to offer this as an option.

    I’ve tried adding – <label><input type=”checkbox” name=”newsletter”> Subscribe to newsletter</label> to my regisration form and this works (insofar as adding the user as a subscriber, but doesn’t subscribe them to either list).

    I also tried adding
    <label for=”nl3″><input type=”checkbox” id=”nl3″ name=”nl[]” value=”1″> daily digest</label></div>
    <label for=”nl4″><input type=”checkbox” id=”nl4″ name=”nl[]” value=”2″> weekly</label>
    … to my registration form which displays the check boxes but unfortunately the data doesn’t seem to get saved.

    Any suggestions would be much appreciated. The plugin itself looks great… I just need to get this part working.

    With many thanks in advance.


    Hi, the integrations with wp registration and buddypress do not offer a way to add lists on the registration form, and even if those fields are added they won’t be processed.

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