Hi there,
I'm on WordPress and I have created extra profile fields, like age range, etc. and it works: people can see the fields and fill them in and when I'm exporting a subscriber list, these extra fields show up inside the exported file.
Inside WordPress under "Subscribers" ("Search and Edit") I can also click on the "Edit" button of the respective subscriber and then come to a view, which shows me an "Extra Fields" tab with that information.
However, I'm wondering, is there a way to make the extra fields show up directly inside the before mentioned "Subscribers" ("Search and Edit") table view as extra columns? Right next to the ID, Email, Status, etc.?
That would make it way more handy to actually look at that data and act upon it, than having to either click "Edit" per user, or export the whole ist and then open it using 3rd party software (e.g. Excel).
Thank you very much for any tips and tricks around this!