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  • #158186
    Mathias Indermühle


    I might have a weird question, but I have different Lists for Club-Members and Visitors.
    In German we need to address the contacts of these lists differently.

    For Example:
    List 1:
    Male: Sehr geehrter Herr {surename}
    Female: Sehr geehrte Frau {surename}
    Unspecified: Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren {surename}

    List 2:
    Male: Lieber {name}
    Female: Liebe {name}
    Unspecified: Liebe/r {name}

    I know I could swap the field in settings to accomplish this every time I trigger a newsletter.
    Would it also be possible to have a custom field maybe? or a field-definition per list?
    I would also be OK with a function inside the template like:
    {IF title=="f" "Sehr geehrte Frau" ELSE title=="m" "Sehr geehrter Herr" ELSEIF "Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren"}

    Is there a way to accomplish this?


    Hi, we have no option for that. Sorry.



    Would need the exact same feature. Is it available already?

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