Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Resetting Bounced status

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    When an email address is marked as "BOUNCED" it will no longer be used, this appears to be the case even with "soft bounces". We recently had a series of Bounced emails due to one of Send In Blue IP addresses being on a black list, now we cannot use those email addresses. There surely must be a way to rest the status of these accounts, but i cannot find it. The only way i have found so far is to delete the address and then add it again, not good with big databases.

    Anyone know of a better way ?

    Regards, Paul.


    You can run a query:

    update wp_newsletter set status='C' where status='B'


    Thanks for the reply Stefano, but i have no idea what that means or how to do it.


    There is also another issue with bounced emails that doesn't seem easy to resolve.

    Even if/when the status is reset to "confirmed", there is not an easy way to resend the newsletter to those subscribers who did not get the email.

    There does not seem to be a way to send a newsletter to specific subscribers without adding them to a list. There also does not seem to ba a way to bulk add subscribers to a list, unless i'm missing something.

    paul b kohler

    I am needing to also reset bounces and I have no idea what: 'run a query' means. I REALLY do not want to change 500+ bounces manually. Help, please?


    Will be added on next release. If you want to manually run a query, just run:
    update wp_newsletter set status='C' where status='B'


    Sorry, but i STILL do not know how to run queries.
    I've switched to using the sender.net plugin


    Ok, no problem! 🙂
    Have a nice day!

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