Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Personalize subscription form

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  • #265218

    Hi, I wanted to know if it's possible to make two modifications to the newsletter form using the free version of the newsletter plugin:

    1) When people subscribe, I don't want them to be redirected to another page, but rather be shown a message such as "thank you for your subscription" under the form. This is because usually the form is embedded in my posts and I don't want people to leave the post.
    2) I want to create another subscribe form that both subscribe people to the newsletter and redirects them to a particular page (that can be different from form to form). Is this possible?

    Thank you


    The redirect is always sent back, so for the first question there is not an option. About custom forms which redirect to different pages, check out the shortcodes attributes here https://www.thenewsletterplugin.com/documentation/subscription/subscription-form-shortcodes/ (confirmation_url).

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