Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Number of Subscribers in Newsletter Problem

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  • #284165
    Flecher Noémie

    I am sending you this message because we have a problem with the Newsletter plugin. The problem is as follows: when sending a newsletter, we select a list of subscribers. For example, it contains 500 people. However, when the newsletter is sent, the interface indicates a much lower number than the expected number of subscribers. Could you give us an explanation please?

    Also another issue that has cropped up recently. When sending a newsletter to list 10. A subscriber registered in list n°8 also received an email from this newsletter intended for list n°10. Same thing, could you tell us how to solve this problem?

    In the hope that you can respond to my requests quickly, I wish you a great day.

    Best regards,


    Hi, you should carefully check if the subscriber in list 8 is even in list 10, a subscriber can be part of more than one list. You should even check those options:
    - a list can contain unconfirmed or canceled subscribers which are not included while delivering
    - other filter can have been applied
    Anyway, the targeting panel of a newsletter should report the exact number at the moment of sending.

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