Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Not sure if my Unsubscribe button/URL is messed up?

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  • #48134

    Hi guys,

    I have a decently sized list but I only have 4 unsubs which seems quite low. I sent out an email last night, and during the night I only got 1 ubsub. I am wondering if I have added the wrong URL in the email. This is what I've done:

    I create my email on Mailchimp because it's nice and easy to write and format the email there. Then I export the HTML code and paste that into my Newsletter. In the bottom for the Unsubscribe button, I needed to change the URL from Mailchimps unsubscribe URL to Newsletter's.

    To get the URL, I opened a new tab and composed a new email on Newsletter. I just chose a standard template that already contained the basics, including an unsubscribe button. I sent that email out to myself as a test > opened the email once I received it > copied the link behind the "Click here to unsubscribe" button. I went back to my other Newsletter tab with the HTML code and pasted in the URL from the Unsubscribe button in the test email I had just received.

    I figured that this URL was not unique to me, but it would be the same URL for all users, and once clicked it just tells Newsletter to unsubscribe the email address of the user that clicks the link.

    This is my URL: http://www.kumaknives.com/?nltr=MTQ7MjY7aHR0cDovL3d3dy5rdW1ha25pdmVzLmNvbS9rdW1hLXJlY2lwZS1ib29rLz9ubT11bnN1YnNjcmlwdGlvbiZuaz01MzUtZjMyMGI5MDQwNyZuZWs9MTY7O2ZmODA2NmMwM2UyYzgwNGJmNmRhZDljYTQwZWY4NDBj

    Did I do something wrong?


    The url is unique for each subscriber, so you cannot use that link as a general unsubscription link.

    Cancellations start always from email you send.



    Thanks for the reply, Stefano. What is the recommended way to add the Unsubscribe button then? I don't want to annoy the users who may not wish to receive my emails, so I better get it right for the future 🙂


    Anyone? 🙂


    So when making an email from scratch in the HTML template, what's the proper way to add a button for users to unsubscribe?

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