Well, initially I tried "wget -O / dev / null http://www.mysite.com/file_sheduler.php from an external server. I didn't get an error message ... Trying to access wp-cron.php, actually got the message "Forbbiden" ... But it turns out that I managed to replace wp-cron.php by FTP, even with new permissions, and now it is accessible via web or externally (generates a blank page, right ?!). I tried everything including define ('ALTERNATE_WP_CRON', true);
The message that wp_cron is not working (or the scheduler) has disappeared. It seems to be ok now, but ...
Nothing is working! Newsletters are simply not sent ... In the log, the most suspicious message says:
10/1419 5:32:03 - INFO - m: 43.4 MB, u: 0 - limits_exceeded> Max time set to 285
10/14/1919 17:32:18 - INFO - m: 44.3 MB, u: 0 - limits_exceeded> Max emails limit reached
See, my provider allows 100 emails per hour. I'm using the 90 limit only!
What could it be?