Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support newsletter stuck on sending

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  • #128670
    Aston Pottery

    Hi my newsletter is stuck. I press send and it just says sent to zero of... (total number here). What's wrong?

    Aston Pottery

    Do I need to to use an smtp? we have 18,000 subscribers. Will send in blue work?


    No, it's a cron problem. Check the page https://www.thenewsletterplugin.com/documentation/newsletter-delivery-engine and setup an external cron call. You can check if the problem is the cron from the status panel.

    Did you make a test from that panel? The delivery is generally ok?


    David Flicek

    I have s similar issues but it's actually sending (at least I got my email) but the UI stays at 0, do I have to hit refresh or something or will that cause the process to stop?

    ok, i clicked around and when I went back to newsletters list it has it at 6% now .. so I guess that's how you do it, first time sending live so didn't know how it worked.


    Hi, the progress update is not live, you need to refresh. But the delivery happens in background. If it seems to be stuck the WP scheduler is not triggered, you can setup an external trigger:

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