Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Newsletter Scheduler/Delivery Engine Questions

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  • #341096

    Hi Newsletter Folks,
    Could you please advise on the following regarding the Newsletter scheduler/delivery engine:
    1) Is Newsletter’s ability to deliver emails at all dependent on the native WP-Cron? If so, could you please advise on how Newsletter’s delivery engine is tied to the WP-Cron?
    2) As an extension of #1, is WordPress site activity from visitors directly related, or related at all, to how fast Newsletter sends its emails? In other words, will Newsletter continue to send emails if there is no activity on the site? Additionally, if there is an increase in site activity, will the rate at which Newsletter send its emails also increase?
    3) My organization currently has 400+ newsletter subscribers, and we’re currently relying on the native WordPress Cron for scheduling events. However, the rate at which the newsletters are sent is very slow. Can you please advise what the maximum threshold is for the Newsletter “Max emails per hour” setting? We’d like to leverage the highest value.
    Matthew Huntley


    Hi, on this page there should be all the information you’re looking for, of something is not explained or not clear, please let me know, thank you.



    Hi Stefano,
    Thanks for the prompt response. I can see from the link you sent that Newsletter does/can rely on the native WordPress Cron.
    The only outstanding question I wanted to confirm was this one:
    2) As an extension of #1, is WordPress site activity from visitors directly related, or related at all, to how fast Newsletter sends its emails? In other words, will Newsletter continue to send emails if there is no activity on the site? Additionally, if there is an increase in site activity, will the rate at which Newsletter send its emails also increase?


    If the scheduler is working correctly the plugin sends the emails at the speed set on its main settings.
    Other tech aspects can influence the sending speed, see here:
    anyway for 400 subscribers you should never have problems, just setup a cron job on your server.

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