Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support New User Would Like Some Assistance

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  • #287099

    I am trialling the free version of The Newsletter Plugin with a view to purchasing the pro version, and I would be grateful for some assistance or comments with the following:

    1. Is it possible to send an email only to subscribers on a list that have a certain extra profile field? If so, how is this done?

    For instance, I have a list of basketball clubs in Australia, with an extra profile field for the club’s state.

    If I want to send an email to basketball clubs in Victoria only, how can I do that? I can’t seem to find any such option when I set up the sending process.

    2. I can see where tags such as {name} can be used in the email subject line and content, and have done so successfully.

    However, I have also set up an extra profile field called “Club Name” on my basketball list. If I want to mention the club name in the email content, where do I find the tag for that field? Can it actually be done (eg. {club_name} )?

    3. Although I have entered snippets under the subject line in the emails I have sent as per the suggestion on the form composer, they are not showing up when the message is received.(tested with Outlook and Thunderbird). Is there any reason for this?

    I am currently using my website hosting company’s SMTP service if this is of any relevance.


    As nobody in this so-called "community" could be bothered responding to my above post, I decided to contact the plugin makers directly with the same queries.
    I did this on July 1st, and received an email acknowledging my enquiry.
    To date (July 6th), I have no reply, and I have decided to stay with my existing email programme.
    The upside is I have not wasted my money on a product which obviously has zero support or interest in new customers.
    I suggest that anyone who is considering purchasing it take note of my experience.


    Hi, when you define extra fields, they're available in the targeting panel for a newsletter but only if they're of type "list" (a set of values).
    All tags that can be used in a newsletter are listed here:
    The snippet is shown only by Gmail, as far as we know.


    I'm trying to do this as well. When you define a field as a list only one option can be selected.
    When I set up 3 different lists and include those as options in the form, it is not handled as mutually exclusive.
    I don't understand your answer above to use tags. So if you could explain that more, I'd appreciate it.
    And how can I set up the lists so that they behave mutually exclusively (i.e. only one can be selected from the list.)?

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