Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support New user problems: draft newsletter and no sending info

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  • #266715


    I'm using the plugin for the first time and I have three problems:

    My newsletter status is "draft" but I've entered everything I need and I can see no way to change this status to "confirmed" (or whatever it's called)

    When I send to a test group (3 users), the sending notification stays at 0% indefinitely. In fact, the newsletter is eventually delivered to all 3 users. When I press "Pause", the notification changes to show that they have all been sent.

    I've opened the test newsletters but this doesn't show up under Statistics. At the top it says "Draft newsletter, no data available". See problem number 1!

    Many thanks for any help.



    At bottom of page where you're composing the newsletter, you can move to the targeting page and use the send button to start the delivery.


    Hi Stefano,

    Thanks for the quick reply - I've tried responding with a screenshot but it hasn't appeared so I'll try without an image.

    What you describe is exactly what I'm doing: I press the "Send now" button above the dialogue where I've specified the lists I want to send to. The newsletter is still showing as Draft and I'm still having the problems I've mentioned.




    Hello, I just recently uploaded the newsletter plugin and i will buy premium but first i need to understand emailing from my site better.

    #1: before uploading newsletter, I also had activated "wpmail smtp" ...do i need "wp mail smtp" to use the newsletter service? or should i deactivated?

    #2: Using newsletter, my test email went to spam. I thought smtp was to prevent that?

    #3: Should I use a service like "sendgrid"?

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