Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support NEED HELP! unsubscriber / takes tooo long

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  • #57713

    Hi There

    i have downloaded your newsletter plugin and im loving it so far! its preatty intuitive to use and its simple to set up! i noticed some issues that i want to report. This is the site where im using your plugin https://www.tobilotta.ch/newsletter-anmeldung/

    First: When im subscribing and confirm the link in the unsubsribtion mail, i get redirected to a blank page wich says: "No subscriber found." (this is the adress Link i get: https://www.tobilotta.ch/?na=m&nm=unsubscription_error&nk=-) so, i get unsibscribed because i recive a confirmation mail but what i dont want is to have this blank page wich says "No subscriber found." (this may be confusing for my subs) so is there a way to solve this problem or to redirect to another page after unsibscribe?

    second: it takes sooo long for the mails to send, even if just one subscriber has subscribed to the newsletter! it takes about 20 minutes for a simple newsletter to send just to one mail adress! is this normal? what can i do to make it faster?

    Please help

    Kind regards


    Hi, if it's taking too long to change a newsletter from sending to sent status, it means your WP scheduler is not working, you should have a notice on top of Newsletter admin pages. Is the notice there?

    The unsubscription link you sent me seems a test link, is it from a regular newsletter?



    the unsubscription is not a test, its from a real newsletter.... try to you own with this link:https://www.tobilotta.ch/newsletter-anmeldung/

    try to register and unsubscribe...


    the unsubscription is not a test, its from a real newsletter…. try to you own with this link:https://www.tobilotta.ch/newsletter-anmeldung/

    try to register and unsubscribe…

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