Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support my suggestion for using custom tags in the newsletter text - not a help request

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    I was asked to import several hundreds of users in a wordpress site and send them their username and password to access an otherwise restricted page, so I thought to use the Newsletter plugin and see if I could modify it to use some custom {tags} in the newsletter text.

    for reasons too long to explain here I was asked not to let future users just use the wordpress functionalities that permit them to register themselves, choosing their username and pw etc., and I was also asked not to expose them the wordpress backend interface (I did this with the plugins "Clean Login" and "Custom Control").

    I was given a csv files with the users data (name, surname, email, password etc.). I imported them as wordpress users with the "Import and export users and customers" plugin - everything smooth, then I imported them as newsletter_users with the add-on Advanced Import, everything smooth again. I just added an Extra Field for the initially assigned password (users can change it later on).

    I found where, in the code of Newsletter plugin, the tags search and replace was made: the function replace() at row 2005 of the includes/module.php file.

    just before the return $text; row I added this:

    if ( strpos ( $text, '{assigned_password}' ) !== false ) {
      $assigned_password = my_function_to_extract_the_assigned_password( $user ) ;
      $text = str_replace ( '{assigned_password}', $assigned_password, $text ) ;

    my_function_for_assigned_password() is a function I placed in the function.php file of the child theme to search for the $user assigned password in the users csv file, transformed in an array, and return it. something like that:

    my_function_to_extract_the_assigned_password( $user ) {
        $csv = "namesurname;name.surname@example.com;assigned_strong_pw;Name Surname;Name;Surname;
    // note: no spaces between ""
        $arr_users = array();
        $arr_csv = explode ( "\n", $csv );
        foreach ($arr_csv as $row) {
        	$arr_row = explode(';', $row);
            $arr_users[ $arr_row[0] ] = array(
                'username'   => $arr_row[0],
                'email'      => $arr_row[1],
                'password'   => $arr_row[2],
                'name'       => $arr_row[3],
                'first_name' => $arr_row[4],
                'last_name'  => $arr_row[5],
        $username = strtolower($user->name) . strtolower($user->surname) ;
        $password = $arr_users[$username]['password']; 
        return $password;

    ok, I know there are a lot of redundancies, and that I would read the entire array each time the function is called, that is, each time the newsletter text is created for the specific user, and that I could have used specific php functions to read a csv file in an array, but I preferred not to leave - even if for a short time - a file with such information in the filesystem, and placing its content in a .php file seemed a good idea.

    in this case I just needed to return one string, $password, but returning an array would allow to use more custom tags.

    the code to add to the replace() function could then be something like:

    if ( function_exists ( developer_function_to_extract_custom_tags ) ) {
      $arr_my_custom_tags = developer_function_to_extract_custom_tags( $user )
      if ( is_array ( $arr_my_custom_tags ) ) {
        foreach ( $arr_my_custom_tags as $key_custom_tag => $value_custom_tag ) {
          if ( strpos ( $text, '{' . $key_custom_tag . '}' ) !== false ) {
            $text = str_replace ( '{' . $key_custom_tag . '}' , $value_custom_tag, $text ) ;


    you just would have to tell the developer that the function MUST be called that way, or another of your choice.

    or, maybe better, you could set a custom hook just before the return $text; row:

      apply_filters ( 'newsletter_replace_custom_tags', $text, $user ) ;
      return $text;


    and let the developer to hook in his own tag replacement function.


    If you imported the password as extra field, why not use the {profile_1} tag, assumed the password has been assigned to the profile number 1?

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