Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Multiple subscribers with the same email address

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    I am in a need to send multiple emails for a single email address. The circumstance is I am using newsletter as a way to email registration forms for a show. Some people have multiple registrations for a single person. So they have used the same email address to register multiple show items. Is there any way around making three or four different lists and sending a list deleting it, then sending a new list with the same emails but different registered items?

    I understand email is the primary key so it can no be duplicated in the database but is there any way around using multiple lists?

    Thanks for reading.


    An email address can be part of multiple lists, so yes, it is possible. When someone registers with an already present email address, the profile is updated. Having different forms "connected" to different lists can be a way to proceed.
    Of course, multiple subscription option must be enabled on the subscription configuration panel.


    That sounds like a great solution, I can make a second reg list, third reg list, fourth reg list, and so on until I have as many lists as the person with the most registrations exists.

    Thanks for your help!


    So I have played with lists a bit and it does not solve the problem the way that I would like.

    I think best case for reconciliation is to just build five separate lists and send one list delete the subscribers send the second list and so on.

    The only issue I am having is when I delete an old list for a new one the emails sent to that old list have links that no longer work, I assume this is due to tracking. Is there any way around this?

    Can I turn tracking off in the settings and that will make the links in my email always work whether or not the email address is still currently in my list of subscribers?

    Should I use a HTML link instead so it is not tracked?


    Hi, tracking is connected to the subscriber (by its id), so if you change the lists of that subscriber without deleting it, the tracing continues to work. Lists in the Newsletter plugin are not containers but are more like "options" of the subscribers.

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