Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Multilingual Link Issues

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    Hello, I have a problem with The Newsletter and sending emails in multiple languages. My forms are set up in four languages. While the first confirmation message is received in the correct language, the other messages with automatic links for updating the profile or the confirmation link (https://www.posters-photos.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=tnp&na=c&nk=74-21565887ab) always redirect to the default language of the site, which is French for me. This is not optimal at all.

    I tried modifying the translation of the emails in the English part by adding in the URL <a href="{en/profile_url}", but that does not work. How can I ensure that links in all four languages redirect to the correct language section of the site, please?


    Hi, the page the subscriber is redirected to, is determined by its language. You should check if the subscriber has the language of the page shown.
    If not, you should check on the Newsletter/Settings if a public page has been set for each language.
    Anyway, you should have a notice on the plugin admin pages if the pages are not setup correctly.


    Hello, and thank you for this quick response.

    I have checked that each language has the base newsletter page I created. Perhaps I need to create one for each language?

    My first email arrives in the correct language, but the link inside always redirects me to the French part of the site, and the same goes for editing your profile.

    Is it because it detects that I am French, and therefore it would be normal, or is it a misconfiguration on my part?


    Hi, the link redirects to an "action point" the should then redirect to the correct page. You should have a page for each language and on the Newsletter/Settings, changing the adin language on the topbar (WPML, PolyLang), you can set the correct page for each language.

    Of course, the per-language pages can be the translation of the main public page.

    This complication is because, with the multilanguage plugins, there are some time issues to get the correct link to the translated page.


    Thank you for your response. It's true that I didn't mention it, but I am using TranslatePress.

    Creating a different page for each language is fine, no problem.

    However, my main issue is that in the email received, if someone wants to modify their account information, they are redirected to the French version, and that's what is problematic.

    I also wonder if there is even a version of the admin available in four languages.


    Hi, when you have the public pages created for every language, the {profile_url} tag should redirect to the page with the language of the subscriber.
    Be sure on the Settings to have those page selected for each language.


    I see what you are asking, but I don't understand how to do it. I have a page at https://www.posters-photos.com/newsletter/ with the The Newsletter shortcode, and even though the page https://www.posters-photos.com/en/newsletter/ can be found using the selector on my site, it does not actually exist. It is generated by TranslatePress's automatic translation. Therefore, I cannot link it in the TranslatePress settings to my English section, nor can I do the same for German and Spanish.

    Moreover, I have no issues with text translation since TranslatePress translates everything automatically. My only problem, which is significant, is that when clicking on the confirmation link, it redirects to the French version, and the same happens when modifying the profile. Thank you for your help.


    Hi, on Newsletter/Settings, where you can change the public page you should change the current admin language.
    Do you have the translatepress addon for the Newsletter plugin installed? Maybe it's missing.


    I think I'm in the right place and I’ve successfully switched to English.

    I can change the page without any problem, but I don't have a physical page to assign; the URL is generated by TranslatePress. And I do have the TranslatePress plugin.

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