Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Modify the CSS for NL Minimal Widget

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  • #68948


    Despite many tries, I can't modify the style of the NL Minimal Widget (the standard one no more)

    Here is the code I have added to the Child-Theme CSS for the Minimal Widget, but does not work :
    .tnp-widget-minimal input.tnp-submit {
    border-color: #ddd;
    background-color: #444;
    background-image: none;
    text-shadow: none;
    color: #fff;
    font-size: 12px;

    Thanks to anyone that could help me.


    Try to add it to the extra css configuration on subscription panel.



    Hi Stefano,

    I already saw that answer elsewhere into your Forum, but unfortunately the location of that Subscription Panel seems to be too obvious to find. ==> Please the link/screenshot attached to see where I did put the CSS code that doesn't work.
    <a href="http://https://www.justicefiscalequebec.com/This-is-where-we-put-it-without-success.jpg" rel="noopener" target="_blank" />The screenshot...

    Sorry to ask, but where is the " extra css configuration on subscription panel " exactly?

    Thanks in advance.

    P.S.: There is no Search Bar into the Forum?


    Hi Stefano,

    I'm a bit deceived, As a (young) webmaster I was expected a bit more.
    How am I supposed to suggest to my clients to buy the Newsletter Pro Version when the support is hard to obtain at start ?

    I would really appreciate if you could answer to my previous question...

    Constant V.

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