Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Missing mails (not sent) but plugin says all went well

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  • #301929

    Two weeks ago, we mailed 350 of our members to come to our annual meeting. When we sent a reminder two days ago, one person told us, he didn't get the first email. First thought: junk folder etc. But we found out, that more people didn't get the email. So I looked into the email log and realized, that there were emails missing. We limited mailing to 200 emails per hour, so 16 emails were sent in a 5-minute interval. This is not above the allowed limit. But the log shows, that sometimes 16 emails were sent, sometimes just 9. And the 7 emails, which should have been sent in this "16-emails-block" never occurred in the log. Five minutes later, it continued with the next 16-emails-block. Same problem as two days ago with the reminder. This time, other blocks of 9 emails. I'm currently in contact with my mail provider to find out, what went wrong. But because he didn't "say" anything about the log and just sent me the list of emails which were sent, I believe there were no errors on the mail server. So I suspect the plugin has an error or is not capable of showing problems correctly. Is there a email log for the plugin?


    Hi, the plugin could stop the sending batch prematurely (but without loosing any contact) is there are timeout problems.
    You can enebale the logging from the main settings panel. Setting the level to "debug" the logger writes tons of information about the delivery process.


    Hi, thank you for your fast reply. Activated debug mode and did some testing with test adresses of my own domain. I find it very irritating, that the plugin says all went well, but now, when I check log, I find entries like <i>01-06-2023 18:24:18 - ERROR - 7.7.0 - 18,9 MB/1 GB - [cron] > SMTP Error: The following recipients failed: XXXXXXXXXX: [OR2] Too many mails received from cj0ujf08v within the last 5 minutes (84ab89a7-00a9-11ee-98a2-93d20420dc3f)</i>

    This would mean, that all users have to check the log, because they can't trust the success message in the plugin. But then, why is the log mode optional and not mandatory?

    Still have the problem, because of missing "standard log mode" some weeks ago, I do not know, what happened and why some people did not receive my mail. And only way to find out, would be to do a real mailing and hope, that something is written in the newsletter log.


    Okay, mail limit is the problem. I will create a new thread for that.

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