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  • #38402

    Good Day,

    I assume the answer to my question is: "that it depends on the type of server I have".

    But let's say I have a standard server and either on the day or a 1-2 days after my newsletter gets sent out to 14,000 subscribers, the website usually loads with a database error. Not always, but when it does, then it's always around the time of my newsletter being sent out.

    I've got it set up so that it only sends out 400 emails every hour, so it takes about 2 days for every e-mail to be sent out.

    Any advice on this is appreciated.

    I know it's probably hard to pin-point 100%, but are these issues most likely coming from the newsletter plug-in?

    Or is this not related?

    - Marvin.


    A database error means your provider has strict limits in the number of query you can run. Report them the problem and ask for an upgrade.


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