Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support massive returns with “Mail delivery via script failed“

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    A client’s newsletter with approx. 10k subscribers returned some 1,000 mails with the subject “Mail delivery via script failed“. According to the hoster, there haven’t been any obvious mistakes in the settings, the delivery speed was 7k/hour which is within usual limits. Has anyone an idea what could be the case? Here is an example of header/body text of a returned mail: https://pastebin.com/Pr0nh4Tf


    Yhe message means the mailing system cannot deliver the message, probably because the destination is wrong (email address does not exist, the domain is wrong, and so on). The involved subscriber can be identified in this case by the id 8683. Usually those message should return the original message as attachment where the subscriber email is reported.


    But appearantly the original message — the newsletter — was not returned, just the error part. And ca. 3,000 wrong/outdated mail-addresses don’t seem likely. When the client used to send his newsletter just via mail client, it didn’t return that much error messages.
    Seems like there is some configuration detail that is not set correcty


    Hi, that is something already seen. When you send an email with a client it is delivered, when send with a hoster mailing system it is not. Probably some providers do no accept emails from IP of specific hosters or not whitelisted.
    That is not connected to the plugin, it just create an email, it's the mailing system of the provider. I can suggest to try with a pro delivery service, like amazon, sendgrid, ..., smtp2go, ..., or ask the provider if you can use their smtp.

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