Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Locked Content not showing after subscription

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  • #172850


    I'm having a problem with the Locked Content Addon. I've installed it and the content I want locked is locked, showing my newsletter subscription form instead. When I fill out the subscription form and click "Subscribe", the locked content is not showing up - instead I'm redirected to my normal "Thank you for subscribing" page.
    What I want to do is to have people click "Subscribe" and have the locked content (in my case a download button to download a PDF) show up without redirecting to my Thank You page. I saw that there is the possibility to set an Unlock Destination URL in the Locked Content Addon settings but I want the locked download button to show up on multiple pages with always different PDFs behind the download button - so one single Destination URL won't work...

    The page I'm talking about: Example Page for Locked Content Problem

    I really hope someone can help me with this problem! Thanks!


    I am looking to do this exact same thing - I want the unlock process to be streamlined so that once the visitor has signed up, they get the item they were promised on the page that promises it. There is no need, in this instance, to go to a confirmation or success page on this particular application.

    I do not want to direct someone back to this page via an email link or anything like that - if that was even possible given the number of unique pages and unlockable content. They need to stay on the page for this to be effective.

    Is this possible? And, if so, how can it be done?


    I have the same situation. Using a test account, I signed up for my newsletter (but not the website itself). I was able to get the newsletter in my email just fine, but when visiting my site, all the newsletter posts are locked. I only want my newsletter people to be able to see these posts but there's no way to identify the person as a newsletter subscriber when they visit and therefore they can't see locked posts. Is this fixable by making every newsletter subscriber also be a subscriber on my site? I was hoping to have that separate, but if needed I can make everyone log in to view newsletter posts


    Did anyone ever find a solution to this? I also want to have multiple pieces of content on multiple pages, all unlockable.

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