Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Locked Content Access by List

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  • #307703

    Greetings. Been a long time since I have used Newsletter plugin, looks like it has come a long way!

    Setting up for a school project and using the “Locked Content” addon.

    My question:

    Requirements is providing the locked content to one list and one list only. So, the issue is how to send a unique email to the chosen list? Not everyone should get access to the locked content.

    Please forgive if I have missed the answer in forum. Having to use a screen reader and your forum is not cooperating with it.


    Well, can’t use my screen reader here to search for possible answers. Is there any other place for users to get support besides asking at WordPress.org plugin support? Screen reader works at WordPress.org though…


    Wow, no support? Can you recommend a screen reader for the disabled that is compatible with your forum? Maybe I can find the info myself.

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