Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Issues with lists and ninja forms integration

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  • #280388
    Dan Behrman

    My subscription has lapsed and i'm hesitant to renew because of issues like these. So i'm posting this issue here instead of a tech support request.

    I am using the ninja form integration and I have the ninja form on a registration page. Integration is set up in the newsletter plugin area so when the form is filled, the user will be added to an "Affiliates" list. However when a user fills it out, they are added to the "registration" list. No idea why, but that shouldn't be. Yes, they are registering, but none of the ninja form integrations are marked for that list.

    I had two affiliates sign up so i went to put them in manually. I had to search for the users and edit the users to add the additional list. Now when I look at my list of lists, i see that the affiliates list only has 2 users when it had 4 before I added these two people.

    On top of that, the interface doesn't have a way for me to select one of the lists and see who is in it? That should be a basic requirement. I'm really disappointed in this plugin and looking for alternatives unless this is something that can be fixed.... like ... immediately.

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