Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Integration with Bloom

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  • #48965

    I would like to use this plugin with Elegant Theme's Bloom optin plugin. If I can get it to work as desired, I'll definitely be picking up the premium Agency subscription.

    I know that Bloom doesn't have a native "The Newsletter Plugin" integration, but it does have an option for "Custom HTML Form" which should be able to work with most any autoresponder. Although I haven't yet tried it with the default code, because I would really like to be able to subscribe to specific lists.

    So my question is, how would I be able to modify the form code to select a specific list without Bloom having check boxes on the form? That isn't a valid option within bloom?

    <div class="tnp tnp-subscription">
    <form method="post" action="http://baseinstall.nimblesplash.com/?na=s" onsubmit="return newsletter_check(this)">
    <div class="tnp-field tnp-field-firstname"><label>Name</label><input class="tnp-firstname" type="text" name="nn" required></div>
    <div class="tnp-field tnp-field-email"><label>Email</label><input class="tnp-email" type="email" name="ne" required></div>
    <div class="tnp-lists"><div class="tnp-field tnp-field-list"><label><input class="tnp-preference" type="checkbox" name="nl[]" value="1"/> Default List</label></div></div><div class="tnp-field tnp-field-button"><input class="tnp-submit" type="submit" value="Subscribe">

    Has anyone gotten this to work with Bloom and the custom HTML option? What about using Bloom to optin to specific lists? Thanks in advance.


    Well I wound up buying premium. I can't believe nobody has used the combination of Bloom and this plugin and can lend a little insight.

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