Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support Images from blog and logo not displaying in test newsletter

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  • #333524

    The test newsletter looks fine when I edit it, but the Emails for Outlook and Gmial do not include all of the images.


    Your site uses relatove paths for images, but this is not working with emails. Check on Newsletter/Help/Status, probably the constant WP_CONTENT_URL is set on your wp-config.php file to get a relative path for images.

    That configuration should be removed.


    I've looked throughout the WP Dashboard and can not find where Newlsetter/Help/Satus panel is located. Where is it?


    I can't evaluate this product if I can't send a newsletter with images. I tried to submit a support ticket, but I got a page that does not show anywhere where I can submit a ticket. I'm completely blocked by this, and I'm not getting answers that connect with what I see on the Newsletter plugin page. Where is this WP_CONTENT_URL constant?


    WP has a main configuration file, wp-config.php, that is in the root folder of the blog installation where that constant could be present. Note: this is not a WP standard, someone explicitly set it.

    If you go to Newsletter/Help/System (I wrote status before, sorry) and search on that page for wp_content_url, you should find it with its value.

    Let me know how it is set, if so.


    Under Newsletter/Help/System, I see in the WordPress section that WP_CONTENT_URL is highlighted in orange and has the Value https://bobbyizquierdophoto.com/wp-content. However, when I open the wp-config.php file and search it, I do not see the constant WP_CONTENT_URL.


    I created a new newsletter using the Event theme, and I'm seeing something odd. When I edit one of the Image+Text+Button, I can see the Image in the preview, but the Image in the Appearance section has the mountains and sun placeholder icon. I don't know where the Image of the dancers is coming from. When I replace the Image of the first Image+Text+Button with an uploaded image, I see the Image in the preview and in the Appearance section. This makes no sense.


    Hi, the image is a placeholder, of course when you select a real image from your gallery the placeholder is removed.
    About the content URL, that value is ok - it is a full URL, you should not have the "MAYBE" flag on our System page, it should be OK.
    So, if the emails are sent with a relative URL, that is a plugin.
    Check if you have a root relative plugin, make paths relative plugin or like.

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