I can't send a test mail any more (if I want to test a new Newsletter I don't get an email, too) - a week ago it was working and I thought I did not Change anything!?
If I enter my Mailadress under "Settings"-->"Diagnostics"-->"Tests" it is working:
Mail send with wordpress and with Newsletter: SUCCESS
If I go to "SMTP Settings" and send a test mail there is an error:
2017-05-24 12:26:14 Connection: opening to :25, timeout=300, options=array (
'ssl' =>
array (
'verify_peer' => false,
'verify_peer_name' => false,
'allow_self_signed' => true,
2017-05-24 12:26:14 Connection: Failed to connect to server. Error number 2. "Error notice: stream_socket_client(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known
2017-05-24 12:26:14 Connection: Failed to connect to server. Error number 2. "Error notice: stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to :25 (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known)
2017-05-24 12:26:14 SMTP ERROR: Failed to connect to server: php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known (0)
2017-05-24 12:26:14 SMTP connect() failed. https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer/wiki/Troubleshooting
You can see my SMTP Settings in the Picture.
How can I fix that? I would like to send the next Newsletter on monday again!
Thanks for Your Help!!