is there a simple way to change the status of all subscribers in a list to "unconfirmed"?
I want (or better: need) to have all subscribers reconfirm their subscription, so I want to set them to unconfirmed and send the confirmation link in the next newsletter.
I'd like to avoid to set a couple hundred subscribers to unconfirmed manually.
Thank you very much, Stefano, that's exactly what I was looking for. I was a bit confused because in the German version the button "unconfirm" is labeled "Alle abwählen" (which doesn't really translate as "unconfirm").
i'm missing the a to unconfirm lists. Right now the only way to do this is to export -> imports lists again. Unconfirming all subscribers is overkill and may not the thing one want to achieve when handleing many subscribers and lists. Could you add a confirm and a unconfirm Button and Feature to Subscribers > Maintenance > Lists ?