Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support How to send blog newsletter off of user selected list selection

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  • #327383

    During the signup process we plan on asking the user which category they want to sign up for. Based on this we want to create a list they subscribe to.

    But during the automated newsletter, how can we automate the users selected list with. the category?

    Rather than sending multiple emails we want to summarize the blog post list with the category they are interested in. Is there a shortcode we can use?


    Adding on to this. Let's say the subscribe to 3 out of the 5 lists (categories). How can we automate the email/newsletter to summarize or send blog posts from that users selection, so in this case only send posts associated to those 3 categories the user selected.


    Hello Bryan,

    in order to get supporto for premium addons (if you have a valid license), please submit a ticket from this page: https://www.thenewsletterplugin.com/support



    Thanks Michael. You can close this. We purchased a license key using another account. I will create a support ticket with the link you provided.

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