Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support How to have subscribers from more webs or places all together

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  • #325918
    Dana Mihulková

    Please, I would like to know if it is possible to collect subscribers from more internet pages (or even other places) in order to have all of them on one dashboard.
    For example, I have a web "A", with plugin Newsletter installed, and I also have a web "B" and "C" and "D", but I would like to collect subscribers from A, B, C and D and send the same newsletter to all of them.
    I could install the Newsletter plugin to all of my webs, of course, but I am too lazy to do all the settings four times.
    Is there a chance to have all the contacts on one central place, please?
    Thank you very much!


    Hello Dana,

    yes of course, you can do that. Please read this documentation article on custom forms, you'll find all the needed indications: https://www.thenewsletterplugin.com/documentation/subscription/newsletter-forms/


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