Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support How to create subscription form I need?

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  • #201404
    Martin Vlach

    I am trying to create a proper subscription form for my case:

    - I use Autoresponder to create series of homeworks for my various students.
    - I have Physics series, Chemistry series, Maths series etc.
    - Only students that are attending the appropriate lessons (Maths for example) will get the "secret" link from me to a page with a form that allows them to subscribe to Maths series of homeworks, which is hidden to public. In another words — I need the list to be hidden to anyone else.

    In online manual I read, that [newsletter_form] shortcode can specify subscribers lists by "lists" parameter, but it also says: The specified lists must be “public”, not marked as “private use”. But if I set the Maths homeworks list "Public", anyone can find it on his profile page (and can subscribe here which is what must not happen).

    Can you help, please? Thanks!


    Hi, try to set the lists as hidden. They are not shown, but can be subscribed.


    Martin Vlach

    Hi Stefano, thanks for the answer.

    I tried it already but there is an issue I described in my today's question here: https://www.thenewsletterplugin.com/forums/topic/list-visibility-option-only-subscribed-can-see-it-is-it-possible

    Simply said — while Hidden, users can subscribe, but cannot usnubscribe (they can unsubscribe from all lists at once only, which is wrong for my purposes).

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