Home Forums Newsletter Plugin Support How to Copy A List?

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  • #271295


    I gather from how this plugin works is that there is one SQL database that has an entry for each email address and then that email address is added to List 1, List 2, etc.

    I have had a few problems with incomplete sends recently and wanted to resend to a manually selected subset of the original list.

    Is it possible for me to copy a list and then delete from it those people I do not want to receive the re-send.

    An alternative function would be an implementation of a "Targeting" filter. The current Targeting filter allows me to send to recipients who opened a specific newsletter, or who clicked on one or more links in that newsletter.

    Could I please ask for a new filter that would allow me to target the opposite?... Would send ONLY email addresses for which there is no record they opened or clicked?



    You can do this yourself, use Reports and Retargeting, open all your newsletters, and chose users who did nothing, add these to a list, then send this list an email 🙂

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